RECRUITMENT bedrock of successful organizations

RECRUITMENT The bedrock of successful organizations

RECRUITMENT The bedrock of successful organizations is the choice and pedigree of its workforce, as employees are the organization’s most important asset. However, what most company owners fail to realize or realize too late is that the choice of staff and the recruiter of these staff will set the pace for organizational growth and development. We have seen top organizations, as well as small and medium businesses, fold up as a result of poor quality of staff, who rather than seek for the growth of the organization, prefer to strip it of all economic potential.

This problem can be solved by engaging the service of a competent hiring manager or seasoned recruiting firms like PoweredUp Consulting, which boasts of an excellent track record in recruitment, payroll management, accounting, auditing, and employer of record (EOR) services. We cannot shy away from the stress this would save company owners if they got the choice of staff right from the onset. This would not only save them money but time as well. Since most corporate organizations and multinationals in Nigeria are based in Lagos, its economic capital, it will suffice to say that you will find about 70% of all recruitment firms in Lagos, which PoweredUp Consulting is one of.

Now, let’s dive into recruitment: the sourcing and hiring of the best human capital to drive the vision and goals of an organization. Recruitment is the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring and onboarding successful applicant(s). Quite a tedious process! Let’s peel each layer. A seasoned hiring manager or recruiter puts out a call for prospective applicants through a clearly designed job advert that spells out the job description and person specification, this call, if well put together, should attract the right applicants to set the ball rolling. Then, after carefully examining the applicants’ eligibility, the eligible ones would be invited for an interview, which could be in phases, based on the hiring company size. When this is done, the human resource team or the recruitment firm would have an in-house discussion to pick the best candidate(s), and then successful applicant(s) would be given offers, if accepted, this would lead to hiring, then finally onboarding.

Skipping any of these steps could lead to colossal failure as the hiring company has already set itself up for future problems. In a country like Nigeria, where its economic development is not at par with the first world, adopting this process of recruitment would ensure that the hiring company sets its priority right from the onset, which would lay the foundation of its global relevance whenever the company’s management decides to spread their tentacles beyond Nigeria or Africa. RECRUITMENT The bedrock of successful organizations

One thing company owners need to keep in mind is that there are various types of recruitment firms, tailored to suit what each organization needs

Let’s examine some of them below:

  • Internal Recruiting: The call for applications is done internally, and staff who meet the criteria vie for the vacant position.
  • Retained Recruiting: Here, the hiring company lists the services of a recruiting firm to help with the hiring process. An upfront fee is paid to the recruitment firm to set the ball rolling.
  • Contingency Recruiting: Just like retained recruiting, but money is paid after the recruitment exercise is done.
  • Staffing Recruiting: This is done for short-term or temporary employment. Company owners need not go through retained or contingency recruiting if what they need is a short-term service.
  • Reverse Recruiting: As the saying goes, fortune follows the bold! This type of recruiting is when applicants send cold emails to hiring managers, expressing their interest in working with the said organizations. These set of applicants put their best foot forward, clearly stating what they bring to the table. As we know that there are two sides to a coin, and I believe you would attest to the fact that

Recruitment has its pros and cons based on who is handling it. Let’s examine the pros and cons of the recruitment choice

Cons of poor recruiting

  1. Low productivity
  2. Decreased staff morale
  3. Bad reputation for the company, i.e. poor brand image and perception
  4. Nepotism: employing unqualified applicants on personal biases
  5. Poor corporate culture: wrong staffing would destroy the vision and goals of the organization.
  1. Unsafe work environment: not carrying out a thorough background check on successful applicants.
  1. High turnover
  2. Monetary and time cost of finding a replacement

RECRUITMENT The bedrock of successful organizations is the choice and pedigree of its workforce, as employees are the organization’s most important asset.

Pros of good recruiting

  1. Reduced turnover
  2. High morale among staff
  3. Good brand image and perception
  4. Transparency
  5. Excellent corporate culture
  6. High productivity
  7. Saves time and money
  8. The right fit for the organization

RECRUITMENT The bedrock of successful organizations

Having said all this, you need to know what to look for when listing the service of a recruitment firm:

  • Specialized Industry Knowledge: the recruitment firm must have sound knowledge of the sector they want to recruit from.
  • Assess your requirement, i.e., what type of applicant(s) are you looking for. Local or foreign?
  • Understand the employer’s branding: the recruiter must understand your organization’s branding to achieve optimal results.
  • Identify the type of recruitment agency you need
  • Run background checks on them
  • Understanding of labour laws, i.e., the recruiter must understand the labour laws of the country they are recruiting for. A seasoned employer of record would do justice to this.
  • Choose quality over quantity
  • Consider your budget: go for the recruitment firm you can afford.
  • Check their track record of successful placement and confirm their claims.
  • Conduct an interview for them as you would for applicants. This would help you pick the best.
  • Check how tech-savvy they are, i.e., how well have they incorporated tech into their service.

Let’s talk about some tips for recruitment:

  • Look inwards among your staff first, you could be lucky to find what you are looking for in an in-house staff. So, why waste time and money.
  • Look for passive candidates. Hiring managers or recruiters can look through social media platforms like LinkedIn, and attend conferences or networking/industry events to scout for candidates. These passive candidates are usually experts, who are gainfully employed in other organizations, but the hiring managers, if they play their cards properly, can cajole them into coming to work for them.
  • Look for the sure thing. Ensure whoever you are hiring is the best for the job, based on their past record.
  • Use one recruitment firm per time.
  • Trust the recruitment firm or hiring manager, don’t micromanage them.
  • If you are looking to hire highly skilled contractors, use a contract recruitment agency.
  • If you are looking for senior hires, use an executive search agency.
  • If you are looking for a large-scale hire, outsource to a recruitment firm.

On a final note, the hiring manager or recruitment firm should have it at the back of the mind that past success is the best indicator for future success. PoweredUp Consulting has a track record in Recruitment of competent staff both for local and international organizations. We will be happy to discuss this with you should you require any clarification. RECRUITMENT The bedrock of successful organizations …


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